#102 – The Loud Neighbours
The Loud Neighbours (MMM #102) Oh, daaaayum! They're a noisy bunch, aren't they? Hmm. Shall we go over there? Yeah, we can ask them to keep it down.
The Loud Neighbours (MMM #102) Oh, daaaayum! They're a noisy bunch, aren't they? Hmm. Shall we go over there? Yeah, we can ask them to keep it down.
It's Not Your Fault (MMM #101) Hey. Hey, I know you probably already know this, but it needs to be said, okay? It's not your fault. No. You have no control over how they chose to act and you didn't deserve what they did to you. It's not your fault.
Ten Tips For Self Care (MMM #100) Well... with a little less of the pomp and fanfare than I anticipated for my 100th entry to this series, I give you the latest (literally) Mini Monday Moment. I um'd and aah'd over releasing this one because I wasn't sure that I have any right to offer tips like these. But... these are things I try to do for myself and if I frame it as offering my own methods as some that may be good for you, that feels a little less pompous in my own mind. So... if these tips help you, then I'm so very glad. If not, then that's fine too. Have a wonderful week, my pets. I love you all.
What Makes A Man (MMM #99) Baby? Hey, baby! Why are you storming into the house like that? Why do you look so... so... angry? Okay, okay, tell me what happened. Tell me what happened in the changing room.
It's Not Your Responsibility (MMM #98) Baby you're so exhausted, can I help? Do you want to talk about it? Well fine, I know you want to help your friend but... you're not a doctor. You're not a therapist. There's only so much you can do. You can't take that burden onto yourself. It's not fair...
Weight Loss Pep Talk (MMM #97) Hey, hey, it's okay! So you ate a burger. It might not be on whatever plan you're following, but one burger isn't going to destroy all the progress you've made. No. Of course not. You're doing so, so well!
Crying Happy Tears (MMM #96) Hmmm? Oh, baby, I'm okay honestly I am. Sometimes... I just get overwhelmed by good feels. That's all.
Relax: A Breathing Exercise (MMM #95) It's been a hard day. So now, close the door, sit down and take two minutes for yourself.
Own Your Happiness (MMM #94) Come on, hon. You can't depend on strangers to make you happy. No, of course you can't; only you should be in charge of what brings you joy. That way no one else controls that but you. That's right. You've got to own your own happiness.
Morning Cuddles (MMM #93) Sometimes chilling with you in the morning is all I could ever ask for. Thank you for being with me, baby.