Mini Monday Moments
Short-n-sweet, roleplay pep-talks, and comforting affirmations for life's little troubles.

#172 – Have Faith In Your Decisions

Have Faith In Your Decisions - MMM #172 Hey now... you did the research, you weighed the pros and cons and, more importantly you're a grown-ass adult. You made a decision that was good for you. What anybody else has to say about that doesn't matter, surely? They don't know the ins and outs of why you made this choice; if you're confident that you've made the right choice, then turn your back on the nay-sayers. Okay?

#171 – A Healthy Relationship With Food

A Healthy Relationship With Food - MMM171

Honey, listen to me; you've been at the gym for four hours. Four! And you're saying you've not had anything to eat? ...can we sit down for a second and talk about this? I think you may have a real problem with food and I want to help you, if you'll let me.

~Hello pets. This listener request, comes with an extra detail/disclaimer, as it covers the sensitive subject of eating disorders; specifically anorexia. _ _I'll immediately raise my hand and state this is a subject I know little about, and the research I have been able to do, in no way qualifies me to talk about this, or any other eating disorder from a position of authority or knowledge. I record this audio, as my others, from a desire to comfort/reassure/entertain/assist listeners in their own personal health and wellbeing journeys. _ _In light of that I have included a handful of resources I've found and encourage any and all of you to share more if you happen to have them (there are obviously far more than I'm able to reasonably post in a list like this by myself). Thank you, pets.

Anad Beating Eating Disorders Eating Disorders (In Teens) Anorexia and Bulimia Quebec Waterstone Foundation Mental Health America National Eating Disorder Association

#170 – The Choice Is Yours Alone

The Choice Is Yours Alone - MMM #170 Hey, this choice is yours and yours alone. Nobody should be pressuring you either way. Nobody but you may decide when, how or even if you become intimate with someone else. It's up to you and you do what you want to do, how you want to do it. It's none of my business. Nor that of anybody else. On your own terms, okay?

#169 – How To Take A Compliment

How To Take A Compliment - MMM #169 Sweetie, if I compliment you and you fight me on it, it's like you think I'd lie to you. And I wouldn't. Not ever. I don't mean to pick at you, but I'm trying to give you another way to consider compliments: if I compliment you and you fight me; am I lying to you? Am I making stuff up to make you feel good? Of course not! So... maybe... maybe it's okay to just accept it. And perhaps, even say thank you. ;)

#168 – The Truth Of Blue Monday

The Truth Of 'Blue Monday' - MMM #168 Pets, 'Blue Monday' might be something we talk about a lot these days, but the reality of the situation is very simple: we govern ourselves. And, we are strong, powerful and capable; more than enough to tackle anything the world may see fit to throw at us. We got this. <3

#167 – In Your Own Time

In Your Own Time - MMM #167 Hey, hey! Listen; just because it's the start of the near and every single YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, blah blah thing out there is telling you 'now is the time' doesn't mean you have to fall for it. Of course not! Working on yourself and health improvement are big, sensible ideas, but you don't have to match it to a calendar. Do it in your own time. Do it at your own pace. I'll bet you'll find it's far more sustainable too. Okay? And hey... I'm proud of you. x

#166 – You Don't Know What You're Doing? Me Neither!

You Don't Know What You're Doing? Me Neither! - MMM #166 Think of it as an adventure instead. Sure, you have no idea what's next, but truthfully, do any of us? Nope! I promise you, all those lined up ducks you imagine aren't so neat and tidy as you think. It's going to be okay.

#165 – New Year Expectations

New Year Expectations - MMM #165 Y'know... it's wonderful that you want to make plans and resolutions for the coming year, but I hope you realise that... well... just getting to the end of it is worth celebrating too. The last two years haven't been what anybody expected and we've all been through a lot. Perhaps you need to manage your expectations a little? And be kinder to yourself.

#164 – All I Want For Christmas

All I Want For Christmas - MMM #164 Oh, honey! I know that's what Christmas has become, but ours doesn't have to be like that. I don't want heaps of presents or silly material things. I just want... you... Okay?

#163 – Make The New House A Home

Make The New House A Home - MMM #163 I know it's hard; I'll miss this place too. But think about it, think about all the memories we can build together in the new place. Sure, we'll leave some behind here, but making new ones isn't a bad thing, is it? And, the reality is; Hallmark-Cards-Like as the sentiment may sound... my home is wherever you are.