Mini Monday Moments
Short-n-sweet, roleplay pep-talks, and comforting affirmations for life's little troubles.

#23 – I'm So Proud Of You

Episode Notes

And I don't tell you that enough. You do so much, often without thanks, it's about time I showed just how proud I am.

#22 – Okay To Say No

Episode Notes

You have the choice, babe. You can always say no if you need to. You have to be able to do that. Okay?

#21 – Depression Doesn't Own You

Episode Notes

It's okay baby. It is. I know it doesn't feel that way, but you're not broken, you're not hopeless and I'm not leaving. Ever.

#20 – Watch A Movie With Me

Episode Notes

I know you've been waiting for this just as long as I have. So straighten your merch and let's go do this!

#19 – Change Is Not The Enemy

Episode Notes

Yes, things are a little different now, but you can still do it. I know you can.

#18 – Have A Lazy Day

Episode Notes

Hey, babe. Do you really have to do all that today? It's the weekend? Come on . . . why don't you just relax with me. Have a lazy day in. Please?

#16 – Best Way To Start The Day

Episode Notes

Breakfast in bed? Of course, darling. Now scoot over, so we can eat together.

#15 – Can't Wait To See You

Episode Notes

Okay, I know I'm babbling, but I'm beyond excited right now. It's going to be SO good to see you . . . I just can't wait!

#14 – I Miss You When You're Away

Episode Notes

Oh, voicemail. Okay. I was hoping to speak to you properly, but never mind. I know you're busy. Want to hear a funny story? I mean, I never knew a toothbrush could make me so emotional!