Mini Monday Moments
Short-n-sweet, roleplay pep-talks, and comforting affirmations for life's little troubles.

#142 – Personal Happiness And Satisfaction

Personal Happiness And Satisfaction - MMM #142 When you get this upset over something you have no control over I feel obligated to help you. even though there's no actual way I can do that. I think it might be more beneficial to you, to place your own happiness and satisfaction in something you control. You may find yourself the better for it. 'If some much of your personal happiness is pinned to the success of a sports team that you have no control over how much of your time will you spend miserable?'

#141 – Regain Your Energy

Regain Your Energy - MMM #141 So you're a little tired after spending all weekend with your family? That's okay y'know. Of course it is! Some people thrive being in the company of others, while other people need a rest because of it. Both are entirely valid. Go on... go chill on your own for a little bit. I'll be here when you're ready for company again.

#140 – Step Away From Social Media

Step Away From Social Media - MMM #140 What on earth are you doing awake at this time of night? Come on now, scrolling endlessly through social media isn't good for you. I know it's for work, but there's a time and place and you need a rest.

#139 – Now That Father's Day Is Over

Now That Father's Day Is Over - MMM #139 Now that the rush and the disorder of Father's Day is over for another year, maybe it's time to look at what the mini holiday really means. This MMM is a quick explanation of what I see/feel/think when I hear 'Father's Day.'

#138 – You Are Just As Valuable

You Are Just As Valuable - MMM #138 Pets... self-sacrifice is important but in moderation. Never put yourself in a situation in which you forget that your wants, values, desires and morals are just as important to those of anybody else. You're valuable too.

#137 – It's Okay To Cry

It's Okay To Cry - MMM #137 My dear... I don't know what people have been telling you, but I'm certainly not going to think less of you for a moment of vulnerability. You do what you need to do. Shout, scream, talk, cry. I don't care. I'm here for you and it's okay to cry.

#136 – Own Your Success

Own Your Success MMM #136 Oh, you got it? Well done! I'm so proud of you, my goodness! Wait, aren't you excited too? Huh? Of course you deserve it! Hey, they wouldn't have hired you if you didn't work your butt off. Even if it doesn't feel like... you've got to be proud of what you've done. Own it.

#135 – Your Scars Tell A Story

Your Scars Tell A Story MMM #135 My dear... I know it's hard when your body doesn't look the way you want it to but... think about it. Your scars... they tell the story of your life. Each scar has a memory attached to it and those memories are likely beautiful. Just like you.

#134 – You Are Not Your Chair

You're Not Your Chair MMM #134 Okay. Back in February my uncle died. He was only in his 50s and the death was utterly unexpected. He was strong, healthy and lively... all except for the fact that he was in a wheelchair. He had been for more than 30 years. In fact, the accident that put him in that chair happened on my third birthday. Having made it through the funeral and the immediate grieving that goes with such an event I began to think about the life he must have led. He was once a Marine, y'see and that part of his life cut shortly sharply when an accident he had no part in causing robbed him of the use of his legs. And... being young when it happened, it has always been as he was in my mind... 'Uncle M' and his cool chair, funky tricks, buff arms and white, twinkly smile. But he wasn't always as bright, cheerful and accepting of his lot as he came to be. And I know there are folk out there in a similar situation. So... I made this. One, in honour of him and two in honour of you fine folk. It's not over for you no matter how much it may feel that way. You've the rest of your life to lead and the one thing you have absolute control over is your attitude and outlook. Make it bright. Make it sunny. Like my uncle.

#133 – You're Still Here

You're Still Here MMM #133 Whenever your brain, your trickster of a brain, tells you that you're weak, or that you can't cope, look back. Look back and realise that this is utterly untrue. You're strong. You're powerful. You are loved and you are valid and you experiences to date have shaped you into the wonderful human being that you are. And you are still here.